Could my husband have this disorder? Help!
by concernedwife
When reading the symptoms, it seems like my husband may have some of them. My husband has a hard time bonding with people and showing emotion and establishing and keeping relationships.
Sometimes, he struggles to simply be nice to people, yet when I confront him it seems like he is truly confused and doesn't understand "why it was so bad" or else gets annoyed and feels like he was entitled to act that way.
He has never really had many friends and he told me recently "I can't really handle being around people for too long of a time." I don't know a whole lot about his childhood but I know he was very sensitive and shy and has always been very intelligent. He has a genius level IQ and is receiving a PhD.
He has difficulty with "sensory overload" he calls it and gets very frustrated by consistent loud noise or background noise, but loud sudden noises don't bother him.
For instance, he can't get to sleep if I have the tv going in the other room and he can hear it, but if the cats are destroying the mattress at 2 am and it sounds like a freight train to me, he doesn't notice. He can get extremely annoyed and downright hostile when forced to be around something that "overloads" his sense.
He can play repetitive video games for hours and can be fascinated with extremely complicated math problems, yet bores with other people in seconds or minutes.
He has moved a million times and
didn't stay in relationships with women very long and seems to jump ship a lot in jobs. He has trouble with understanding other people and his brain seems to be like on a different wavelength than the people he is around.
He bores ridiculously easily, like a child, and has borderline tantrums if he doesn't get his way. When questioning him about his behavior he doesn't like to answer and will spend the entire discussion staring and not answering. If he does have anything to say it's usually defensive rather than apologetic.
He also has severe mood swings, going from downright hyper to mean/rude to sullen and depressed all in a matter of minutes. We have all felt that maybe he is just prone to being a self-centered meanie, but sometimes he seems to be otherwise.
He is extremely overprotective of me, especially when it comes to medical things and gets distraught if I am mad or hurt with him when I tell him he hurts me or something he seems upset by it and declares he doesn't mean to but then will turn around and do the same thing over again and seems to go from caring to blank emotionally. He does not seem to "enjoy" being mean but simply goes blank or does not seem to grasp or understand that he is being so. This blankness bothers me!
Could he have this, or a similar condition? The inability to properly bond and his blank attitude combined with the sensory sensitivity are the main things that stand out.