Confused!!! My son!!


First excuse my english, I hope you will understand my questions (I live in Macedonia, Europe).

My son is 4 years old, since he was two I noticed changes in his behavior. Doctors did not give me a clear diagnosis, is it a PDD or not.

He definitely has sensory problem (mostly perceptive and vestibular) but a lot of autistic like behaviors.

He has poor eye contact, does not respond to his name, and has a lot of stereotyped games that he do (repeatedly press toys that will produce sound and noise, looks at it for a long time). He does not have any pretend play games (like talking on the phone etc.), does not play with other children or respond to them. He spend a lot of time being alone in kindergarten, and shows no interest in other children playing. His speech is poor, he cannot produce full sentences, but will repeat something he hears from me. It is very hard to get his attention on something.

Does any of your children have autistic like symptoms just because of Sensory problems? The thing that confuses me that he did not get diagnosis of pervasive disorder. And in my country sensory integration disorder is completely unrecognized as a diagnosis.

thank you!!!

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Jun 14, 2009
Ideas from other parents
by: Karen

Jenny McCarthy is Jim Carrey's significant other. She came into the relationship with a son much as you describe. As Jim says he watched her pull him through the window into their lives and out of the grasp of Autism.

It might help to read some things about the process she used and begin some intervention strategies on your own rather than waiting for a diagnosis. The younger you begin the better your chance of changing things. It is not easy or always fun, but changes are possible with CONSISTENT work.

Check out this site.

Good luck and do NOT give up!!!

Jun 13, 2009
by: Anonymous

My son was diagnosed with ADHD and diagnosed as very likely to have Asperger's syndrome. We have found that the sensory stuff is what causes him to have social problems. The sensory work we have done with him has made him able to interact more normally with others and I don't believe Asperger's is his correct diagnosis. School is difficult but the school works with him on sensory problems. He wears sound blocking earphones made for drummers, and has heavy work integrated during the day. It does help.

Jun 12, 2009
I Hope this helps
by: char113

My son has SPD and was just diagnosed with PDD NOS he does play pretend games, and he does interact with other children sometimes inappropriately. May be your child has Aspergers syndrome and not PDD PDD is usually a very rare form on the autistic scale, but is not actually considered autism. It is totally possible for a child to have SPD without any other diagnosis but that is not usually the case. Please take your child to a developmental pediatrician so that you can get the correct diagnosis and treatment. SPD is not a recognized medical diagnosis but PDD, autism, Aspergers, ADHD are all recognized medical diagnosis. I hope this helps and good luck.

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