confused and desperate for answers
by Alyn Walters
My daughter is 6 and has been the challenge in our family since she was born. As an infant she ruled by the amount of sleep the she got. If she was tired, no one could enjoy her or the area around her because she cried, screamed and often times until she passed out from exhaustion.
Now, we are not sure what will provoke the tantrums and bad behavior episodes. Often she has something that, in her mind, she was going to do, such as wash her hair with conditioner and for some reason the plan changed. In this case because the shower was filling the bathtub too much so I had her turn off the shower. Instead of telling me what she wanted to do, she went into hysterics and has been in her room screaming at us all morning. She refuses to say she is sorry even when she knows that is all it takes to return life back to normal.
As for the sensory disorder, she is in constant motion and loves activities and fast rides. I have often wondered if she is hyper active, but the symptoms are not present everyday.
In regards to emotional dysfunction, a change in routine throws her for a loop, yet she is very social. When she plays in groups, though she has trouble playing what others want to play. She wants to control the activities and when she cannot, she would rather play alone.
I feel like our family is held hostage by her needs. I don't know what this is, but I need to find out.