Bathroom issues at age 6

My 6 y/o son was diagnosed with SPD, specifically Tactile Defensiveness, a while back and while many of his hypersensitivities have gotten better with OT, he still has trouble going to the bathroom.

He fights me on sitting on the toilet to have a BM or he'd rather urinate in his pants rather than go to the bathroom. This is not consistent, however, because sometimes he will go to the bathroom but almost never on his own. This has become very stressful for our family and embarrassing too.

Could this have something to do with his SPD or is this just a control issue for him. I am desperate to help him with this very basic thing as he will be starting first grade in the fall. I worry that his teacher and classmates will not understand him.

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by: Anonymous

Sounds like there may be some anxiety related to this task for your son. Does he talk to you about how he feels or why he is scared? Does he ever say he has pain or discomfort associated with the bowel movement?

Many children with SPF issues struggle with toilet training in many different ways. If you are looking for help or ideas, perhaps you would benefit from some occupational therapy with the focus of toilet training, there is such a thing. :)

by: Anonymous

The body's elimination process is solely neurological. Perhaps you ought to look into some intestinal/neurological testing. There are conditions like peristalsis that can be related to these issues. If u haven't already done some intestinal testing, I would suggest looking into it.

bathroom issues at age 6
by: Melissa

My daughter will be 6 in October and so far has only been diagnosed with SPD and verbal & coordination dyspraxia. I have NEVER heard my daughter tell me she has to use the bathroom. She is in a pull up full time and no doctor or specialist can tell me why. Also she has a constant flow of fecal matter in every change. I am lost and no one can help me either.

bathroom issues
by: Marina

I think it might be an idea to put something like a few peas in the bowl and get him to aim at them i know it sounds crazy but it becomes fun.
Take him with u when u go so he can see you or his father might be better as he can be like dad being a boy.

I agree the sensitivities do change with the days as to what they can cope with and what not.

Try telling the fish are waiting to be fed and will be hungry if he does not bm. Tactics i find have to change along with days it might be worth checking if he has an infection in his urine making sure it does not hurt,

Trying to be calm and not making a big thing of it is best as once it becomes a big issue it will make him more tense. It will happen and then you will like me have the next worry to overcome!! Hope this helps

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