Adult with Tactile Defensiveness
How can one modify the Wilbarger Protocol so an adult can do this themselves? I have had two college students seeking information on how they can work on their own tactile defensiveness issues. I have some ideas but I would like some guidance.
The SPD Help Line AnswersMy first question to you... are you an OT? If so, have you been officially trained in the Wilbarger Deep Pressure Proprioceptive Technique for tactile defensiveness ("brushing" and joint compressions)? If you have, this should be easily taught and modified for an adult. If you have not, please sign up for one of the trainings, then you will be able to teach them how to do it themselves. If you need help finding information and trainings on this technique, please read my latest newsletter about the Protocol...
The Wilbarger Deep Pressure Propriocetive Technique For Sensory Defensiveness. This newsletter should answer most of your questions.
Meanwhile... there are things, as an adult with tactile defensivess they can do until then. Use the ideas of gradually increasing tactile input and desensitizing the tactile sense. Use things like rub downs with lotion, scrubbies, loofahs, softer to rougher washcloths, etc. Make sure they are following a good
sensory diet with
heavy work and deep pressure input throughout the day to calm and regulate the nervous system.
Another article that may help is one written specifically for adults, addressing a multitude of sensory issues and how to help...
Using SI Theory To Help Adults At Home And Work.
Do a site
site search and look up "tactile defensiveness" on my site, or check the site map for other relevant information. Lastly, you may have them join the adult SPD online support group we have...
SPD Adult SHARE to meet others with these issues and explore together things that have/will help!
Oh, one more resource that can REALLY help them out is a book written specifically for adults with sensory defensiveness... I HIGHLY recommend it for them...
Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight
I hope this information helps! Please let me know if you need anything further, ok?
Any adults out there who have used the Wilbarger Protocol on themselves with success? Please share any ideas you have! Thanks in advance.
Take good care.
Michele Mitchell